Aldeburgh and Southwold Craft Fairs

07/09/2010 at 4:26 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

The Moot Hall at Aldeburgh, Suffolk

The craft fair at Aldeburgh this weekend was much quieter than the two recent fairs at Southwold – everyone gone back to London I suppose, now that the kids are back at school.  My sales were different too – more big ticket items at Aldeburgh than at Southwold.  Quality rather than quantity! 

I love both towns.  Both are on the beautiful Suffolk coast with Aldeburgh famous for its Moot Hall and Napoleonic Mortello Tower, Southwold for its beach huts and lighthouse.

The Moot Hall is beautiful, built in 1650 it remains the meeting hall for the town council as well as housing the town’s museum.  Its chimneys were added later – copying the famous tudor chimneys from Hampton Court Palace.

Not the smartest boathouse in Aldeburgh!

Not the smartest boathouse in Aldeburgh!

Aldeburgh is also famous for the number of fresh fish sellers along the front – and its two fish & chip shops which always, always have long queues outside them.  It’s an upmarket town – not quiet the ‘Chelsea on Sea’ of Burnham Market on the North Norfolk coast but very close.  Despite that, I just had to take a picture of this wrecked boathouse on the front, near where I had parked my car!

Southwold is altogether livelier.  People spill out of the pubs and one famous one, the Sole Bay Inn is just along from the Methodist church hall, where the craft fairs are held. 

It is also a magnet for morris dancers who couldn’t resist a quick dance as they supped their midday pints before the main performance of the afternoon!

Morris dancers outside the Sole Bay Inn

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